London trip planner

If you are coming to London but you are feeling overwhelm when you think about planning your UK trip then we are here to help you out! From deciding when to go, what to see, how to get around and even what to pack we will walk you through each step and make your planning process smoother and less daunting.

Do you have your London planned but would like some help to fine-tune aspects of it. Do you have some questions about the logistics? Or would like to simply go through it with experienced UK travellers to check you haven't missed anything? If so…

Let’s meet for zoom call London trip planner

60 minutes call where we will discuss your itinerary and any practical questions you might have about your trip,

Document PDF sending within 3 days of our discussion with any personalised recommendations and suggestions discussed during the call.

Organise your trip to London
from £350.00

After payment we will send you a link to choose date and time for our zoom call (and photoshoot) London trip planner.

Questions? Please feel free to contact us or on WhatsApp +447835025841

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